Proctored Exams

学生有责任找到并获得监考人员的批准来监督考试. 监考人员应至少在考试前一周获得批准. If you foresee an issue with obtaining a proctor, 请尽快开始申请,以免错过考试日期.


Proctor Approval Request Form


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Proctor Approval Process

1. Identify an appropriate proctor based on the proctor qualifications and guidelines.

2. Fill out and submit the proctor approval request form. 为了完成申请,你需要知道监考人的姓名和电子邮件地址.

3. An email will be sent to your proctor. 它将包含一个链接,链接到他们的审批请求表单部分. Let your proctor know this email is coming. 在你的监考官完成他们的那部分表格之前,我们不能进行审批程序. 如果您的监考没有收到电子邮件,请联系WBUonline or 806-291-3740.

4. Upon receiving your proctor's information, WBUonline will process the request within two business days.

5. 您和您请求的监考人都会收到一封电子邮件,通知您您的请求是否被批准或拒绝.

Approved proctor requests:

批准后,您的监考老师将收到有关如何检索您的考试信息的说明. Contact your proctor to schedule a time to take your exam. 在安排考试时,请告知监考老师以下课程代码(例如. RLGN1302, MATH1304, etc.), instructor name, and exam name (ex. midterm, final, exam 3, etc.).

在考试当天,您需要携带带照片的身份证件到考试地点. You may also need to bring lecture notes, pens/pencils, 一个经过批准的计算器(手机/平板电脑计算器从未被批准), and scratch paper if instructed to do so by your professor.

You may not bring a cell phone, purse/bag/backpack, unauthorized paper, notes, or books with you into the testing room. 任何未经授权的物品可以留在监考指定的安全区域.

当你到达考场时,监考老师会检查你的身份证,让你坐在电脑前. 您将登录到您的帐户在黑板上,导航到您的考试,并阅读说明. 当你准备好开始考试时,监考老师会输入考试密码. 当您完成测试时,提醒监考员并注销Blackboard.

If you are taking a paper exam, 请用粗重的手笔写清楚,以便老师扫描到电脑后能看清楚.

Denied proctor requests:

If your proctor was denied, 请查看拒绝邮件中给出的原因和合格监考人员的资格. Choose another proctor and submit a new request.

If you wish, 您可以正规网赌软件下载WBUonline,并提供更详细的信息,以澄清您的要求并改变结果. 如果我们认为监考员不合适,WBUonline保留拒绝的权利.


Proctor Qualifications and Guidelines

Acceptable proctors must meet the following qualifications:

  • 监考人员必须有管理考试的知识和经验.
  • Proctors must have current employment in higher education, library science, 或在相关领域全职工作,并有专业声誉.

Based on the criteria above, acceptable proctors are:

  • WBU测试中心,校园计算机实验室或图书馆(不需要申请表)
  • 韦兰工作人员,教师和董事(需要申请表)
  • 拥有图书馆学硕士学位的图书馆员
  • Authorized employees at U.S. Military Education Centers
  • 大学/学院测试机构的授权员工
  • Full-time faculty members at another university or college

Exceptions to the above list will not be favorably considered.

Unacceptable proctors:

  • Relatives, friends, neighbors, or other students
  • 与该学生受雇于同一家公司/组织的任何人
  • Anyone lacking a suitable testing environment
  • 没有有效的工作邮件地址和电话号码的人

属于上述任何一类的监考请求都将被拒绝, even if they meet the other qualifications to be a proctor.

You may not be your own proctor.


Finding a Proctor

Finding a proctor is easier than you may think. Wayland has options for students all over the world. In most cases a proctor request will need to be submitted. 想了解更多关于找监考的信息,请点击下面最能描述你的语句:


What is a proctor?

A proctor monitors a student during his or her exam. The proctor will check the student's ID before testing, ensure exam instructions are followed, and must be present during every part of the exam. All proctors must be approved by WBUonline.


Do I need a proctor?

有些老师要求在期中和期末考试时使用监考老师. However, not all online courses require a proctor. 要了解您的课程是否需要监考,请查看您的课程大纲或 WBUonline Term Schedule.


Do I have to find my own proctor?

Yes, 学生有责任确保监考人员的服务,并应至少在考试前一周寻求监考人员的批准. 在获得WBUonline批准之前,监考人员将无法获得考试说明.

请确保您的监考官能够在线管理考试,并且使用的计算机可以可靠地访问互联网. If he/she is not, 除非你的老师提供了一份试卷,否则你需要找另一位监考老师.



Once a proctor is approved, 他或她可以在没有重新批准的情况下继续管理整个学期的考试.

However, proctors must be re-approved each term. 如果您想在新学期中使用相同的监考员,只需提交一个新的监考员批准请求. 为监考人员使用相同的姓名和电子邮件地址将有助于确保申请被自动批准.



如果您在提交请求后两天内没有收到WBUonline关于您的请求的回复, 请联系你的监考老师,确认他们已经收到了包含他们那部分表格的邮件, filled it out, and submitted it for approval. If they have not received the request, 请致电WBUonline办公室806-291-3740,并要求重新发送请求.


我希望考试中心使用收费监考服务. Who should pay?
